Company Information

About the operating company
Company name Nanasei Co., Ltd.
Registered address of head office Address: 29 Nakajimacho, Kisshoin, Minami-ku, Kyoto 601-8530 *For inquiries, please contact the Management Headquarters listed below.
main office Shichisai Co., Ltd. Management Headquarters Wacoal Osaka Building 1-7-51 Nishimiyahara, Yodogawa-ku, Osaka 532-0004 TEL: 06-6395-9245
Founded July 21, 1946 (Showa 21)
Capital 90 million yen
Representative Representative Director Tsuyoshi Segawa
Office (Shichisai) Management Headquarters, Tokyo Branch, Osaka Branch, Fukuoka Branch, Sapporo Sales Office, Tohoku Sales Office, Nagoya Sales Office, Kanazawa Sales Office, Okayama Sales Office, Hiroshima Sales Office, Head Office Product Center, Tokyo Product Center, Osaka Product Center, Kyushu Product Center
Parent Company Wacoal Holdings Corp.
group company SRP NANASAI CO.,LTD. (Bangkok, Thailand)
Qualifications Interior finishing work: Permitted by the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (Special-28) No. 13661 General construction work: Permitted by the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (Special-28) No. 13661 Architect's office: Registered by the Governor of Tokyo No. 57591 First-class architect (1 person)
First-class construction management engineers (21 people)
number of employees 267 (as of March 2020)
Main Banks Mitsubishi UFJ Bank, Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation, Bank of Kyoto, Shiga Bank
Business Items •Manufacture and sale of mannequins and various bodies (sales, rental, lease)
•Manufacture and sale of various display fixtures, and production and sale of molded products •Planning, design, construction of stores and commercial facilities •Planning, design, construction of exhibitions and events •Manufacture and sale of clothing and Western accessories, interior decorations and personal items •Sale of building materials and sales of fixtures, furniture, kitchens, baths, toilets and other residential equipment •Design, construction and planning of hospital and clinic spaces
Major Customers Major department stores nationwide, apparel manufacturers, wholesalers, major fashion chain stores nationwide, various specialty stores, design offices, various schools, hospitals, etc.
homepage address